Monday, March 12, 2012

The Baby Journey with PCOS: Discovering Blueberry

So now I can finally blog about this!

 As I have mentioned before when you are ttc you are very aware of your cycle, where you are in it, when everything is supposed to happen and when you can test in hopes for that positive.

Our cycle in December had me Oing on Dec. 29th or 30th. Being one determined Momma-to-be, I wore poor Sexy Husband out with the baby dance. Towards the end of that time period, I am pretty sure whenever I mentioned baby dancing, Sexy Husband gave thought to running away.

TTCing definitely does take some of the romance out of baby dancing. I mean when you have to baby dance and you have to baby dance NOW it is not as spontaneous or romantic.

After it was all said and done around Dec. 31st it was then time to ….wait. Again. I knew exactly which day in January I would be able to test to see if this time was successful, but until then all I could do was wait.

We had our New Year’s Eve party which is always fun, and the next weekend we headed to Atlanta for a gamefest we go to once a year with our boardgaming friends. Except I spent the whole weekend sleeping. I was so tired, drained completely. I refused to read anything into it because it was still too early to know and whenever I am starting to get sick, sleeping is my way of fighting it. So I figured I was just fighting off a cold or such.

Finally on January 10th, I purchased some pregnancy tests and decided I was going to test the following morning. Upon arriving home, I could not wait so I took one of the regular tests I had bought and saved the digital for the next day.

Three minutes ticked by and I must say that having seen many negative tests over the last year or more, I really was expecting another negative…but wait, was that a faint second line?

No, it couldn’t be. I probably looked at the thing in four different rooms under different lighting. I could not believe it was positive. After more than a year of trying, I did not want to get my hopes up because of some faulty test or evaporation line. I finally decided I would wait until the next morning and take the digital.

At this point I must tell all TTCers out there: just go ahead and splurge to buy the digital. There is no guess work involved in the digital which comes in very handy at that moment of truth.

I did not say anything to Sexy Husband because I didn’t trust the test and wanted to wait until I had the digital. The next morning I got up and grabbed the digital test. Though this is TMI, I even peed in a Styrofoam cup so I could make sure that the test had plenty of pee. LOL

Then I waited, but something wasn’t right, the digital test’s blinking timer took forever to show up and then finally I got a “?”


I am the one asking the question, not the stupid test!

How did I manage to buy a digital test that didn’t work! AHHHHH! Determined I got dressed and on my way to The Mom’s house, I stopped and purchased another pack of digital, this time making sure there were two just in case. Lamenting the whole way to The Mom’s house about wasted FMU, I went in and demanded a disposable cup and headed straight for the bathroom.

I eeked and strained out a couple drops and prayed it would be enough for the test to function.

Blinking timer showing up immediately, I left the test on the counter and went to tell The Mom about the faulty test while waiting to see what the results of this test would be.

Yes! It said yes!

I always thought I would cry tears of excitement when I finally had a positive pregnancy test but no tears just slight disbelief. I could not quite trust that it had finally happened.

The Mom was excited but we decided to keep it mum until my appt. the next Monday when it would be confirmed. Luckily for me I already had an appt. set up with the fertility clinic as a follow-up for this last cycle.

The next thing was to tell Sexy Husband, but how?

Until Next Time....


Amanda said...

I reacted almost the exact same way, and my first test was faint too. More faint than your's even! LOL! And yes, GET THE DIGITAL!!
I watched the evaporation line, watched the control line, and brushed my teeth. Thinking, whatever, as usual, it's negative. I can drink over Christmas weekend!
Think again! Looked down it a line? Isn't it? Wait, it is. That's a line. OMG!

SO very excited for you!!

Anonymous said...

wow- i was there and it still makes me cry :)