Sunday, April 29, 2012

The Baby Journey with PCOS - Old Wive's Tales

So today in about 2 hours, we will have our Gender Reveal Party. We will find out if Baby H is a boy or girl. Giving this upcoming event I thought I would answer some of the Old Wive's tales and see what they say until I post what our cake revealed!

 Old Wive's Tales :

  • Suspend a wedding band held by a piece of thread over the palm of the pregnant woman. If the suspended ring swings in an oval or circular motion, the baby will be a girl. If the ring swings back and forth in a straight line, the baby will be a boy. There is also a version done with a needle and thread above the mother’s wrist or her belly. Results are the same. - Sexy Husband and I did this and it told us we were having a boy and girl, because it would swing in an oval, then it would go back and forth in a straight line. I joked we are having a hermaphrodite. So point for girl and boy.
  • If you carry your baby high and tight, it is a boy. If you carry your baby low and wide, it’s a girl. - I am actually carrying low so point for girl.
  • If you crave fruits and vegetables, it’s a boy. If you crave meats and starches, you will have a girl. - Mmmm meat, was something I said a lot early in the pregnancy. All starches for this pregnant lady! Point for girl.
  • If you crave sweets, you’re having a boy. If you crave salty foods, you’re having a girl. - Mmmm cheese! I have been all about the salty foods. Point for girl.
  • If the hair on your legs is growing faster than before you were pregnant, you’re having a boy. If it is growing at the same rate or slower, you’re having a girl. - It is growing so slow! I am actually sad my head hair is growing slow but my leg hair can stay growing slow, ha! Point for girl.
  • If your feet are colder now than before you were pregnant, you’re having a boy. If they are the same as before, you’re having a girl. - No cold feet. Point for girl.
  • If your husband is gaining weight right along with you, you’re having a boy. If he hasn’t gained any weight, you’re having a girl. - We really haven't noticed a gain in weight for him but then he won't weigh himself either so I am going to say this one is a draw.
  • If your hair is gray, you’re having a boy. If your hair is not gray (natural or dyed), you’re having a girl. - My hair, thankfully, is not gray.......yet. Point for girl.
  • If you have morning sickness early in your pregnancy, you’re having a girl. If you haven’t had morning sickness, you’re having a boy.- Ohh yes, the nausea was vry present though luckily I did not actually throw up much. Point for girl.
  • If you look particularly good during pregnancy, you’re having a boy. If you’re not looking so good, you’re having a girl. - I think my looks are not so great right now, I am a grease pit and my hair, ugh! So if it is a boy, he is going to be a pretty one! Ha! Point for girl.
  • If your urine is a bright neon yellow color, you’re having a boy. If it’s a dull yellow, you’re having a girl. - I drink a lot of water right now so that is probably really the cause but it is dull. Point for girl.
  • If you must have orange juice everyday, you’re having a girl. If you don’t like orange juice, you’re having a boy.- No orange juice in this house. Point for boy.
  • If you’re having headaches, you’re having a boy. If you’re not, you’re having a girl.- I have always had headaches, and I do get them when the weather changes but I will give this one to the boy because I have had some headaches. Point for boy.
  • If someone asks you to show them your hands and you present them palms up, you’re having a girl. If you present your hands palms down, you’re having a boy.- No clue! Have never been asked to show my palms. Maybe I should have had my palms read just so I can answer this one!
  • If you pick up a coffee mug by the handle, you’re having a boy. If you pick it up by the body of the mug, you’re having a girl.- Unfortunately I quit drinking coffee for this baby but before the pregnancy I picked up by the handle so we will say point for boy.
So that is all I have time for because I have to finish getting ready for the party. End score for Old Wive's Tales is
Girl - 10
Boy - 4

So we will see how accurate the Old Wive's Tales are later today!
Until Next Time....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hurray for old wive's tales, they worked :)