So Sexy Husband and I decided we would "find out" the gender of Baby H mainly because The Moms would both have a heart attack if we didn't. Having heard of the new fad called "Gender Reveal" parties, I decided we must do one and it would be an awesome way to share this memory with family and friends. I will admit I was leaning more towards a girl, like 55% girl, 45% boy was probably my preference, but only because it took us so long and we are not guaranteed another. Sexy Husband truly did not care, he was fine with either. All in all though we both just wanted a healthy baby!
To explain for those who don't know, a Gender Reveal party is where you hold a party to use a cake, balloons, cookies, cupcakes, etc to reveal the gender of your baby to family and friends. Some couples decide to keep it a surprise to even themselves until the party, which is what we decided. I was actually delighted how much SH was wanting to go along with us not knowing and was "into" the party idea as well!
So the Friday morning came that we had our appt. and I must say I was more excited that Sexy Husband would actually get to see the baby because he was unable to attend the last ultrasound where the baby actually looked like a baby not a blob. I also was more than ready to see my little one again, it having been 8 weeks since I had last seen him/her in an ultrasound!
I had brought two envelopes with us, one for the bakery and another for us to double check after we cut the cake on Sunday (plus to hold the "money shots" that would go in the scrapbook) We told the Ultrasound Tech what we wanted and she said that she would warn us when she was going for the "money shots" so we would know to look away.
When she started looking for the baby, we quickly realized that Baby H had his/her back to us and was basically looking at my back! Now this made me want to smack SH because for the last two weeks, he would tell the baby to "hide" when it came time for the ultrasound. Obviously he has more influence than either of us realized! Luckily though we were able to get a few profile pictures, one absolutely adorable one of him/her sucking their thumb! I have the picture but I don't have a scanner so maybe later I will scan it at The Mom's house and show it off.
Then it came time for "the money" shots and we both looked away. She told us she was able to get a good one and then wrote in the envelopes, putting the pictures in ours, sealing them both shut and putting "No Peeking" on ours! I have to say I was extremely calm and had no desire to peek which is amazing for me.
The Ultrasound tech did explain to us how to look at the picture when we did open the envelope and I will never forget her explanation! She said it was like the baby was sitting above you and you are looking at the little butt cheeks and the legs coming out in "v". If it looks like a turtle is poking his head out between the "v" it is a boy, if it looks like a cheeseburger between the "v" it is a girl. I laughed hard at this but she said that is what they taught her in school! So turtle or cheeseburger, remember that!
I was mean and put a picture of the envelope on FB just to taunt The Moms, but I could not resist!
Our baby was 9 oz and 6 1/2 inches long which is right on target so not too small and not too big. I, of course, told SH that since he obviously had influence he would have to tell Baby H that 7lbs was the limit! LOL
After the appt. I took the envelope to the bakery and made Sexy Husband hide the other one later that evening so no one would try to peek before the party. Then it was time to wait....until Sunday!
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