One of the fun parts of a wedding is getting to register for gifts. This is one of the few times in your life you can go into a store and say "hmm what would I like?" and you can scan a million things without everyone thinking you are selfish.
Sexy Fiance and I had a good time registering, though I have to say we were still conscious of prices and such because we just could not register for things we would not even pay for if we had the money. But it was superfun to walk around and scan things for our new house we don't have yet!
We registered at Bed Bath and Beyond, Walmart and Amazon. I did not see any purpose in registering at places that are overpriced and too fancy because I would get stuff I don't want or need. Plus all three places we registered have great return policies so if we get 47 of one towel we can take a few back and keep only the 40 we need.
So the Sexy Fiance is the one who registered us on Amazon. Well one day I got online and checked my mail when I saw an email from Amazon saying "A gift is on the way! Someone purchased...."
Ohhh yay! Our first registry gift! Goody goody goody!
The subject, of course, was too long so I opened the email to see what was bought and I was greeted with this picture and a "Congrats! Someone purchased a gift from your baby registry!"
Wait...That is absolutely impossible...what....ohhh did Sexy Fiance accidentally sign up for baby registry? Surely not!
I grabbed the phone and called. He had just seen his email as well. I asked him if he knew something I didn't know! Nope, no babies and he had registered for the Wedding. It had to be an Amazon glitch.
Later we did receive an email stating there had been a glitch and I was very relieved because though one day (many years from now) I will be glad to have a baby registry I do not want one today!
oh yeah take back policy is important--i think i got seven electric can openers--i mean there are only so many people you know that you can give a can opener to--lol
hahaha Classic!
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