To be wise or not to be?
That is no longer a question.
Wisdom held before black abyss then
Wisdom lost to metal tools.
Who thought of storing wisdom there?
Perhaps it was thought a smart decision
Until the storage place was pulled.
Then who was smart enough to say it
Was a dumb idea?
lmao @ this 55. it's funny cuz james had posted about his wisdom tooth being pulled out today. great job! mine should automatically post at midnight *crosses fingers* (never know w blogger LOL)
AH! That fits our James so perfectly!!
It is as i he himself is uttering those words!
Poor James... I hope he is better...
Wonderfully expressed 55!
*giggle* Great 55... I should know. I still have all my wisdom... teeth.
Hi Impy...
It so cool to see you out again.
Great job, and thanks for playing.
Hi, Imp. Great 55 and sadly one that I can relate to all to well. :D
Clever 55 - did you write it with James in mind?
Hope the removal of your wisdom teeth went well today and I will continue to pray for an easy recovery, it also looks like I am going to be praying for James as well.
Yeah, but were you awake to hear the CRUNCH as they yanked them out???
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