Thursday, January 7, 2010

Radical Experiment

Our church is going through the Radical Experiment this year. The goal of the Radical Experiment is for individuals, families, and our faith family to spend our lives together for the sake of the church, the lost, and the poor around the world to the glory of God.

The three top things we are doing are:
  • Praying for the entire world.
  • Spending our resources to glorify His Kingdom
  • Read through the entire Bible
I am ashamed to say that during my 28 years I have never read the Bible from cover to cover. Sure I have read and memorized hundreds of passages but never have I read it cover to cover. I am excited that we are doing this as a church. Sexy Husband and I have started reading it together each night as a family and it is interesting to discuss it with each other. Already I am reading passages I have read before but learning things I did not learn in the earlier readings. It is quite fascinating how rich a passage can be and you must understand I am not really a "deep" person so I marvel when I discover the nuggets of wisdom and information within the verses of the Bible.

I don't write often about things like this but this is too exciting to me to not write about it. If you want to follow, even if you do not go to my church or live in the area, just click the link above and find out more about it.

I am excited to see what I learn this year and hope that I can truly shine His light by hiding His word in my heart.

Until next time...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My "Sexy Hubby" of 43 years and I are doing this also for the first time!
With coffee in hand we have found things in Gensis we never found before!
Had to watch the sermon from the 10th from home though. :o(
Nancy Harris