Thursday, April 5, 2007

HNT: The Younger Years..Easter

In honor of the upcoming Easter holiday I am posting these pictures of the BabyImp at Easter past. This first photo shows The Brother's great photography skills at that age.

I am not a big hat wearer but I remember that was a big thing for the Baby Imp a few years was the hat I got to wear at Easter. I remember we would buy it and I would want to wear it right then and my matching gloves but The Mom would put them atop her wardrobe, which to a short Baby Imp seemed a mile high and say that I had to wait til Easter.
I am sure the hat did not stay on long because I probably got tired of it after the newness wore off but it was still a highlight...well at least in my memory, The Mom may have different memories :)
This is me, The Brother and my Grammy. I was blessed growing up to live within 2 miles of The Mom's mom aka Grammy. Her birthday is this month so we will hear more about her later :)

So there is Baby Imp at Easter and I wish you all a Happy Easter! May you all remember the life that was given so that we might live.


Anonymous said...

You are so cute in your Easter dress and hat. I love these pictures along with your memories.
May you have a blessed Easter Imp.

G-Man said...

Now your on a roll Imp..
Two in a row..
Easter in Bama is awesome! Do you have Azalias? Happy HNT xoxox

Anonymous said...

what the heck is that background?

G-Man said...

Miss Melodie...
Have a Happy Easter!!!

Anonymous said...

stopping by to say good morning.:)